Thursday 29 November 2012

The Story So Far

Hello everyone.

Like I said, kinda hoping this is the shortest-lived blog that ever graces your screen. 
Of course, plenty blogs are just a flash-in-the-pan and I'd go as far as to say that it's starting to feel a titch last decade, this whole blogging milarkey. 
And does anyone REALLY make any money from it? 

That said, needs must and the current climate chez moi calls for drastic, word-related action.  Here's the story so far ....

1.  Move to Bris-vegas from Sydney and gave up full-time employ.
2.  Lose work network entirely, while social network also experiences inevitable shrinkage.
3.  Adore current work as a coach and LOVE occasional interior design work.
4.  Remember that - oh sh*t - I'm a total extrovert and have spent WAAAAAY too much time at home. 

I didn't forget, of course, I just hoped it would go away and that reading The Power of Now over and over again would make it all ok. via

5.  Diagnose a severe case of cabin fever.
6.  Go on a SEEK rampage to find a job that hopefully doesn't disrupt no. 3 AND that will get me out of the house, a job where you go somewhere and do something with other people, not just cats.
7.  Remember - oh sh*t - this jobhunting lark is hard and at times, quite demoralising.
8.  Decide that writing things down and sharing it with the world, whether it likes it or not, is a top idea, cos it just makes the whole thing seem a lot less serious.

So I hope you'll join me on my little voyage, as I ponder such fascinating topics as:

 - how to make a shit job sound awesome
 - FIFO/DIDO - job or great dog's name?
 - why the world needs more accountants

and my personal favourite ...

 - fun ways to punish yourself for not having a stellar social media presence on linkedin twitter google+ pinterest instagram facebook youtube vimeo foursquare tumblr flickr and that other one that tells you how fab you are.  (What do you mean you don't have time for this?  You're out of work aren't you?)

Apologies in advance if you are a recruiter, a writer of job ads or you do any of the job titles I happen to pick on - or for any other reason I might offend :-)

Back soon.

PS If you're bored with the topic, for fun you can count how many times I avoid using the word 'journey'.